Derrick C Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm Derrick
I've been a member since May 2023
Derrick owner of the guide service. Has spent the last ten years hunting in the harshest environments Alaska has to offer. Often times spending more than a month at a time out of a tent in Alaska’s wilderness. Derrick is most comfortable in Alaska’s remote corners engaged in free chase hunting. Prior to starting a career as a guide in October of 2011 on Kodiak Island. Derrick honorably served 5 years in the United States Coast Guard. Joining at 17 on a mission to get to Alaska he hit the ground running. Growing up happened fast receiving orders to a unit soon to be plowed over by Hurricane Katrina. Eventually, he joined a unit designed to prevent terrorism and joined a noncompliant boarding team. Weapons training and safety were constant. Teamwork and leadership were qualities fine-tuned and refined. Working out Logistics and communication was a constant factor of life. High stress, low sleep, physically demanding a part of service. All factors that play strongly into guiding. Growing up Derrick’s family life revolved around hunting. Living off the land was a way of life. Grandson to a Mississippi Game Warden, farm owner, canine, and equine trainer. The other Grandfather, Father, and Mother were all avid hunters of the Rocky’s for elk and anything the south had to offer hunting and fishing. Traveling closely behind in their shadow, Derrick’s hunting instincts began to grow as soon as he could walk. Derrick is a family man and has been married for over a decade to his wife Kristy and has a wonderful daughter. They live a subsistence lifestyle on Kodiak Island.
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