Stuart G Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm Stuart
I've been a member since July 2021
North Central Kansas Outfitter providing quality Whitetail Deer, Turkey, and pheasant hunts! Hunting and Fishing have been my passion from day one. I grew up being in the outdoors every chance I had. Which was easy to do since my dad Todd owns and operates his own guide service. He has been in the hunting business for 20 years. So I’m far from new to the hunting business. I have been in the middle of the operation of his business since the start. Filling feeders, picking up and dropping off hunters, tracking deer, skinning deer, and a lot of late nights watching and listening to dad and the hunters strategize how to kill that giant Kansas Whitetail. We still work side by side nearly every day helping each other.
We are located in Minneapolis, Kansas. About 45 miles northwest of Salina. We operate on 5,000+ acres of prime hunting habitat and expanding every chance we get. Owned and operated by Stuart. We start our deer season by trimming our ladder stands in late July and August until our first hunt of the year which is Muzzleloader in September. We’ll get our trail cameras out as we trim the stands and scout the property for new or better stand placement. This will give us an idea where the bachelor group of big bucks is hanging out. So we can be ready for muzzleloader season. October is when we build box blinds for our rifle hunts. These are crucial to keeping our hunters out of the sometimes brutal and unpredictable Kansas weather. It's also the time when we trim stands we didn't get to before muzzleloader season. We start really watching for those monster bucks by checking trail cams and watching fields. Our archery hunts start the last week in October and go until Thanksgiving. This is the time when you’re going to see the big whitetail bucks on their feet chasing does all over the place. Rifle hunts start the Wednesday after Thanksgiving and last for twelve days. Once deer season is over it's time to start predator and pheasant hunts. We also like to get out and do as much goose and duck hunting as possible. We don’t guide any duck or goose hunts, so it is the one season we do only for enjoyment. Once March rolls around we start getting ready for turkey season by filling feeders and getting a few blinds put up. We hunt the Rio turkeys hard most all of April up until about the middle of May when it starts getting a little too tough to hunt them.
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