Gary G Outfitter Profile

Hi, I'm Gary
I've been a member since March 2023
Specializing in Kentucky Elk, Bear, and Spring Turkey
My love for hunting began as a small boy of only 8 years of age. My dad was an avid squirrel hunter his whole life. He taught me a special style if squirrel hunting (still hunting). Contrary to the name still hunting is a very active style. You listen for a squirrel's feeding activity and then try to move into shotgun range for a clear shot. During my early years, Dad taught me firearm safety, tree identification, and of course how to use the terrain/ foliage to make a stealthy stalk on a target game animal. Being patient and absolutely silent when moving through the leaf litter was the rule. We always took pride in ethical shots and quick clean harvests. It was a contest between Dad, my brother Brad and myself who could get a limit of six squirrels (preferably fox squirrels) with only six shots. This often-overlooked method of hunting sparked an interest in big game hunting in me. It also helped me have success in many of those big game endeavors. While I had helped others place tree stands and be successful deer hunters, In 1996 I personally harvested my first whitetail. In 1998 with the help of a friend harvested my first spring Tom turkey. I was hooked and have pursued both those species with fervor ever since! To me, very few things compare to a loud gobble on a foggy spring morning, a thundering bugle at first light, or the sound of hooves hurrying through the leaf litter during the November whitetail rut. In 2007 I was approached by a fellow hunter who had the coveted Kentucky Bull Tag. He asked if I could help him harvest one. With a professional background in Forestry and a hunting lifestyle from the time I was small, I said I thought I could help him. I immediately began scouting. During the many pre-season scouting trips with a good friend of mine, my knowledge and understanding for elk grew. It wasn't just knowledge and understanding but respect and love for these large, majestic beasts. I don't think I got a full night's sleep the week of the opening season due to the building excitement. Finally, opening day came. My hunter was able to harvest his bull in only a few minutes. This experience really solidified in my mind that elk hunting/guiding was going to be added as a front runner in my list of hobbies. Later that same year I was contacted by a friend of a friend from Louisville, KY who had been the recipient of a Kentucky Rifle Cow Elk tag and needed help. Again all the hard work scouting paid off with a successful hunt. It was at that point I decided to obtain a guide license and pursue these beautiful animals. Since then I have led many a hunter and huntress on adventurous outings in the elk woods. In 2011 I received an archery cow tag of my own. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!!! After a few hunts, I put a stalk on and harvested a nice mature cow. It was exhilarating!!! I learned so much during my hunt. While the hours are long and the work is hard, I enjoy elk hunting and guiding. I have made so many close friends through it.
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